Surprised to see such a fired up protest taking place on Wall Street? There is a mainstream media blackout on this. MSM has covered Tea Parties numbering in the dozens, so you would think that thousands of Americans taking to the streets would be newsworthy. But no, they are censoring the voice of the people which shows how corrupt and worthless they are. We should boycott them and support alternative media. *Update- Yahoo admitted to
blocking emails referring to "Occupy Wall Street" They have censored emails about protest in China in the past. Although they say this has been corrected (with residual delays) they should be boycotted too.
This video is hard to watch.These people are exercising their First Amendment rights! The media is ignoring this, but we shouldn't be! I hear a protest is starting in San Fransisco too. And of course there is the planned
Oct 6 sustained protest in Freedom Square in DC. Their slogan, "Human needs, not corporate greed!" They too are committed to nonviolent resistance.
Thousands are mobilizing across the nation in a nonviolent, but direct way to say "Enough is enough!" We are sick of millionaire politicians protecting the richest among us, while allowing more in the middle class to lose their jobs, their homes, their pensions, their dignity and their hope.
Life is even more devastating for those in poverty, that now claims more than one out of every five American children. At the same time, some
hedge fund managers make over one billion dollars a year. A billion is hard to imagine- especially as an annual salary. A salary of a billion translates to almost a half million dollars an hour!
No one is worth $1 billion dollars a year. That salary and the fact that hedge fund managers pay at the same tax rate as someone who makes $10,000 is
The richest 1% have more wealth than half of all Americans combined. We have not seen such gross inequality since the 1920's. We are living in a new gilded age and the masses are suffering as they always do when the mega-rich greedily hog endless riches and power. Republicans want these inequities to be even larger. Some good democrats are reflecting the will of the people who demand a new course- shared sacrifice, jobs, quality education and health care, a preservation of the safety net and a restoration of the American Dream.
Internal Revenue Service data show that the tax burden on the US’s wealthy has fallen for the past two decades.
Thank goodness Obama finally is saying the rich should pay their fair share! It is ludicrous to hear the Republicans describing this as class warfare on the "job creators". Huge tax breaks for the wealthiest have been in place since 2001- how has that worked out for us in terms of new jobs?
“There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.” Warren Buffett
Obama's new found moxy may be coming a bit late, but like Michael Moore, who sounded fairly ecstatic last night on Rachel Maddow, I'll take it! And tonight the White House pretty much said the phase of "compromise by necessity" is over. Keep going!
I was encouraged seeing so many young people at the Wall Street protests
. Click here for a livestream of what is happening on Wall Street now. They began the occupation Saturday, Sept 17th and they plan to stay!
Check out the young man who came from California for this action.
It is also encouraging that in addition to multi-billionaire Warren Buffett, a growing number of millionaires are asking that their taxes be raised to fairer levels as a matter of patriotic duty. Add your name to the petition at
Patriotic Millionaires, (you don't have to be a millionaire!) who did the video below.
Keep faith!