Sunday, June 20, 2010

Alito's Milder "You Lie!"

Most of us have seen Justice Alito shaking his head, grimacing and mouthing the words, "Not true" in response to Obama calling out the Court in his State of the Union  for their recent decision that will radically upend democracy in America.

Our President said, "With all due deference to separation of powers, last week the Supreme Court reversed a century of law that, I believe, will open the floodgates for special interests, including foreign corporations, to spend without limit in our elections.

"I don't think American elections should be bankrolled by America's most powerful interests or, worse, by foreign entities.They should be decided by the American people."

Everything Obama said was true. Looks like Alito doesn't want to own up to what he and four others have done. His face registered disgust and I find disgust the appropriate reaction to this ruling- but in Alito's case it should be self-directed!

Glen Greenwald in Salon said, "Alito is now a political (rather than judicial) hero to Republicans and a political enemy of Democrats which is exactly the role a Supreme Court Justice should not occupy."

Greenwald went on to say, Alito has been "unmasked as a politicized and intemperate Republican."

I'd say the ruling itself unmasked five of them.

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