Monday, March 19, 2012

The GOP's Misogyny Problem Part II

The GOP's War on Women is now on steroids.
  • Arizona has a bill that would make it OK for a doctor to lie to a pregnant women- telling her all is fine even if the fetus has severe deformities and disabilities- all in an effort to reduce abortions. Parents would not be able to sue the doctor for withholding this vital information. Unbelievably, there are similar laws in nine states- Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, Utah, Idaho, Pennsylvania, North Dakota, South Dakota and Indiana.
  • Arizona also has a bill pending that would make it OK for an employer to grill an employee about what she is using contraceptives for- and if it is to prevent pregnancy- this bill would make it OK to fire her!
  • Indiana not only allows a doctor to lie to his or her patients, but requires it. The GOP controlled legislature passed a bill that requires doctors to tell patients seeking abortion that it causes an increase in breast cancer, although this has been thoroughly debunked by the scientific community. An amendment that doctors provide "medically and scientifically accurate" information to patients was voted down.
  • Kansas is considering sweeping anti-abortion laws that would include taxing women who get abortions- even in cases of rape, to save the life of the mother, or to remove a fetus after a miscarriage- which is defined as abortion in Kansas.
    •  Tennessee Republicans are pushing a bill that would require the state to publish names of doctors performing abortions and detailed information on the women having them.
    • Far righter Ann Coulter recently said it would be OK with her if young adults and women lost their right to vote, because more Republicans would be voted into office.
    • Mitt Romney said as president he would end Planned Parenthood.
    • As part of their war on Planned Parenthood, Texas forfeited millions in Medicaid funds which will destroy the Women's Health Program that provides preventative care including cancer screenings and contraceptives to more than 130,000 low income women. The conservative Texas budget board in 2011 called it "the most cost effective program in Texas".
    • Last Fall, House Republicans tried to pass a bill that would have allowed any hospital receiving federal funds to deny performing emergency abortions, even if a woman's life was in danger.
    For more on the GOP's Misogyny Problem.

    But here is the good news- the backlash has begun and it will be strong. Most Americans do not agree with the radical agenda of the far right to turn back the clock on women's rights. There will be  a Women's Grassroots Congress this month and  marches are planned nationwide  for April 28.

    From the new group Organizing against the War on Women-

    "Help defend women’s rights and pursuit of equality. Join Americans all across the United States on April 28th, 2012, as we come together as one to tell members of Congress in Washington DC and legislators in all 50 states, “Enough is enough!”

    All Americans have the right to make decisions about their own bodies, including contraception, without interference from government, business or religious institutions"

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